Community Treatment Action Team (CATT)
Brief Description of Services Offered:
CAT is intended to be a safe and effective alternative to out-of-home placement for children with serious behavioral health conditions. Upon successful completion, the family should have the skills and natural support system needed to maintain and increase improvements made during services.
The goals of the CAT program are to:
- Strengthen the family and support systems for youth and young adults to assist them to live successfully in the community;
- Improve school-related outcomes such as attendance, grades, and graduation rates;
- Decrease out-of-home placements;
- Improve family and youth functioning;
- Decrease substance use and abuse;
- Decrease psychiatric hospitalizations;
- Transition into age-appropriate services; and
- Increase health and wellness.
- Otherwise eligible for publicly funded substance abuse and mental health services according to s. 394.674, F.S., and
- Individuals aged 11 to 21 with a mental health diagnosis or co-occurring substance abuse diagnosis with one or more of the following accompanying characteristics:
- The individual is at risk for out-of-home placement as demonstrated by repeated failures at less intensive levels of care;
- The individual has had two or more periods of hospitalization or repeated failures;
- The individual has had involvement with the Department of Juvenile Justice or multiple episodes involving law enforcement; or
- The individual has poor academic performance or suspensions.
- Individuals aged 11 to 21 with a mental health diagnosis or co-occurring substance abuse diagnosis with one or more of the following accompanying characteristics:
- Children younger than 11 with a mental health diagnosis or co-occurring substance abuse diagnosis may be candidates if they meet two or more of the aforementioned characteristics
Exclusion Criteria: None
Is Insurance required? No
Referral Process:
Complete the referral form HERE , and email to
Contact Person and Preferred Way:
Lymaris Class
Office: (321) 726-2726
Fax: (321) 752-3143
Download the CATT Brochure HERE.