The overall philosophy of our corporation can best be explained by the meaning of our corporate logo. The three circles in the Circles of Care logo represent the blending of a sound mind, a healthy body and a loving heart — the essentials of a full and satisfying life.
The top circle, which is balanced securely on the other two, represents the blessing of a sound mind. The lower circles are intertwined, representing the interdependence of physical and emotional health. A heart rests within the triad and symbolizes the caring, understanding and dedication that nurture health and wholeness in human beings of all ages and cultures.
The non-for-profit community based corporation known today as Circles of Care, Inc. originally began in 1963 as Brevard Guidance Center. Today, Circles of Care is one of the leading behavioral health care providers in facilities, services, budget and professional staff in the State of Florida.
Circles of Care has locations throughout Brevard County. We provide quality behavioral health care programs that include hospital, residential, outpatient, in-home, on-site, professional consultation and public information/education services. Circles of Care is proud to provide the most comprehensive, highest quality behavioral health care services in the Brevard community.
Circles of Care has long held the reputation of being an innovative and progressive service provider by creating programs, revising and expanding services in order to meet the needs of the community. We do this while remaining financially viable and by applying sound business principles to the provision of health care services.
From our beginning in 1963 in a condemned school building with six employees, our corporation has grown to one with approximately 400 employees and a budget in excess of 39 million dollars. Circles of Care has 52 licensed hospital beds, 50 state licensed adult crisis stabilization beds, 78 licensed residential and treatment beds, 18 licensed chemical dependency detoxification beds, 12 licensed chemical dependency intensive residential treatment beds, 16 children’s crisis stabilization beds as well as a complete continuum of outpatient care to provide services to residents of our community. Our hospitals are accredited by the Joint Commission of Accreditation for Health Care Organizations, we are approved Medicare and Medicaid providers, and we have contracts with numerous managed care companies.